Thursday, May 26, 2011
Relationships with Mr. Creflo Dollar
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Your Desire Will Be for Your Husband
- Our constant craving for romance. No wonder it's a girl thing to watch romance movies, read erotic books, and hope for Prince Charming to come sweep us off our feet. (See more in point 3)
- Fantasy. Guys may fantacize about sex every point second or so, but girls definitely fantacise about marriage, weddings, and children just as much. Many girls openly admit that the moment he said "I like you," she had already pictured them walking down the aisle, changing her last name, and living in a 2 story house on main street.
- The heart of little girls. This also helps us understand why little girls are the way they are. While the boys are off shooting guns, saving planet earth, and building bridges (I can explain this type of play later,) the girls are inside dressed in Mommy's old dresses playing tea party, house, or weddings.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Chasing Success
If I don't make it to the big leagues,
I'm gonna be just fine
'Cause I know exactly who I am
(SPOILER ALERT) At the very end of the movie you finally think she’s gotten her life together. The audience's hope rises as you see her perform an astounding show in front of millions of happy fans cheering her name. Her husband tells her he loves her finally, and she makes peace with her younger rival. However, at the peak of her success, she kills herself with substance abuse.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Secrets and Regrets
- Because it's biblical! The list of verses above should have already pointed that out to you. We are social creatures created to interact and love one another (Gen 2:18.) By being fake who are your friends and family actually loving? A nobody? True friends and true family are going to love you know matter what you have done. So come clean and confess your secrets to them.
- Prayer changes things! The power of prayer is obvious, amazing, and supernatural. Prayer can heal! When my friends pray over me and for me I can instantly feel a peace come over my soul. God wants us to pray for one another! This is one of the ways he works! But girl, how can you receive the awesome blessings of heartfelt prayer from other people if you don't tell them what's going on?
- Encouragement. When my friends come to me with a problem I immediately try to offer them some encouragement, a relevant bible verse, and prayer. Often times when I am doing my quiet time in the following week I will find other verses that apply to their situation. When I send these to my friends, more often than not, it is exactly what they needed to hear from God. I say this because if my friends didn't open up to me I couldn't encourage them and give them the messages from God they needed to hear.
Friday, May 20, 2011
You're Beautiful
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Made in His Image...
“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over the each, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.”
I share this with you from the creation story found in Genesis 1-3. This part of the story should more than anything, confirm your identity in Christ and replenish your self-worth. To be made in God’s image is the highest compliment you can ever be paid. God is holy, perfect, beautiful, and just. We are sinful, guilty, crooked, and sad. To think that the creator of the universe loved us enough to create us in his image is mind blowing!
God obviously thinks of you as someone very special, someone who was placed here to do his work while he momentarily remains in heaven. Did you hear that sister?! GOD, who created the world—created YOU to be like HIM and do HIS work! That’s beautiful. Our father thinks so highly of us that he trusts us with the rest of all creation, and the work that needs to be done!
I don’t know if you’ve ever applied for a job—but they don’t just hire anybody. Only those who seem worthy of the job, honest, and dependable will get to do the work. The same way with God! He didn’t make EVERYTHING in his likeness; neither did he give authority to everything to do his work. He didn’t say, “I have made the birds to love people like I do.” NO, that’s what he made us for!
Another illustration—think back to a time when you created something; whether it be a painting, a dessert dish, a collage, a piece of jewelry—anything! Think about how much time and effort you spent working on it…chances are you carefully planned it out, each brush stroke or turn of the spatula was done with passion and excitement. You worked really hard on what you made. Then think about afterwards—did you step back and look and ask your special friend to come look at what you had made? Did you serve your family in hopes that they would delight themselves in the deliciousness you created? Chances are you did! Even if you didn’t ask them straightforward, you still deep down sought their appreciation for your masterpiece.
How much more then does God want to show us off and use us for his glory!? He spent 24 hours creating our species, who knows how long planning out you and your life, 9 months preparing your form, and a lifetime for you to complete his good works! And afterward he will lead you into glory where you will shine with him for all eternity! (Ephesians 2:10, Psalms 73:23-24)
Beautiful child, the Lord has designed you so intricately. Ever design, ever pattern, every curve, nitch, spot, wrinkle…every part of you was sculpted to perfection in the eyes of the creator. He loves you dearly and he has created you for a wonderful purpose that only you can fulfill on this earth. Don’t let the enemy or the voices of the world steel this truth from you. Be joyful and praise your creator for giving you this opportunity called life.
“Knowing that we are made in God’s image and thus share many of his characteristics provides a solid basis for self-worth. Human worth is not based on
possessions, achievements, physical attractiveness, or public acclaim. Instead it is based on being made in God’s image. Because we bear God’s image, we can feel positive about ourselves. Criticizing or downgrading ourselves is criticizing what God has made and the abilities he has given us. Knowing that you are a person of worth helps you love God, know him personally, and make a valuable contribution to those around you.”
--Life Application Study Bible (NIV) p.6
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Marriage Post by Jon Werner
We started by talking about the beauty of marriage and the complexity, but also the simplicity of that entity. (Guess that rhymed :D) We started asking each other about what kind of person we would want to spend the rest of our lives with and if we actually were ever going to get married. That quickly turned into us talking about what God's plan was for our individual lives, and how we thought marriage would fit into that overall plan.
There were a few points we covered that I thought you may want to hear.
What is the mindset and what are the lies that the single youth believe about relationships/marriage?
I believe that Hollywood, media and peers have a huge negative effect on the mindsets of today's youth in regards to relationships/marriage. However, I won't go into what I think the youth believes about this topic. I will instead tell you what I believe the truth is.
I believe that marriage was designed by God and is a great thing. I believe that it is something that should be shared by ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN until death separates them. I also think that it is something that God ALWAYS should bring about. What I mean is that I believe that God can, will and should direct a man and a woman in marrying one another. I do not think that an individual should pursue an intimate relationship with another person of the opposite gender, without the leading of the Holy Spirit. I also believe that when God has given you that direction, it is okay to pursue (as long as you follow the Holy Spirit).
I believe that marriage should be carried out with the goal of furthering God's kingdom. I believe there are other things in scripture that give good reason to be married, but that advancing God's kingdom should me the primary goal in marriage. In other words, if your reason for getting married is solely based on feelings or "a love for that person", I do not think that is an okay reason to get married. I think this happens all the time and God is faithful to redeem that situation, but marriage shouldn't be done because of just feelings or attraction.
So, those are a few things that I believe personally about marriage. I believe these things are right and that they are important for all of us to consider.
I also wanted to say that we discussed one more thing. I feel as though this is important for young single people to know and to hear from the heart of a single man.
My greatest desire for my future wife is not the amount of money she will have, or the beauty of her outward appearance, or the way she makes me feel. My deepest and most heartfelt desire is that my wife will love the Lord Jesus Christ more than me and any other person. That Christ would be her passion and her desire. That Jesus would take first place in every area of her life. That the Lord would be her everything. I want a wife who is willing to look me in the eye and tell me that she would rather be found dead, then to love me more than the one who saved her soul. This may be completely foreign to some who read this. It may be completely out of the norm. But I just want people to know that I believe this is the heart that every single man should have. Really and truly, this is the heart that EVERY person should have. I think the most romantic thing in the world is someone who is sold out for Jesus and is willing to do whatever he calls that person to do.
This was the heart of one of my modern day heroes, Keith Green. He wrote a song that describes my heart and I think that it would be appropriate to post the lyrics to this song. Thanks for bearing with me. I just thought that it was necessary to address an area that may not be talked about enough. So now you know my heart on this. If you have anything you would like to ask or say about this just leave me a comment.
"Well I pledge my wife to heaven, for the Gospel. Though our love each passing day just seems to grow. As I told her when we wed, I'd surely rather be found dead, than to love her more than the one who saved my soul". Song written by Keith Green - Pledge my head to heaven - Verse 2
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Is Kissing Toads Necessary?

- Find confidence and peace with themselves. This includes being content with their looks and body--knowing that the way they are is a masterpiece from God and he meant for every part of them to look the way that it does. This also includes knowing their personalities and understanding their spiritual strengths and how they can use that to serve in God's kingdom work.
- They gave their dating lives over to God. Praying and seeking his will in every area of their life, dating was no different. They stopped pursuing, manipulating, and trying. They simply said, "Here God, this is yours now. Do whatever you want to do with it, I have no power over you." They realized that their love story would be better written by God than by them (See: Give God the Pen.)
- Finally, they stopped being consumed with dating, marriage, and boys--and they shifted all of their focus and attention to doing kingdom work--the work of God. Serving at their churches, discipling younger girls, consistently seeking God in every morning's quiet time. I always see God work soon after women fall completely in love with God, trusting him in EVERY area of their life.