Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Top Ten of December '13

This is my last post for the year 2013.  While it has been a tad inconsistent, I've had some good thoughts bouncing around on this blog.  To end the year right, I have compiled my top ten list of articles found around the web during the month of December.  Hope ya'll enjoy, have a happy new year!

  1. The Music Never Stopped- This is an independent film based on an essay titled, "The Last Hippie" by Oliver Sacks.  My parents and I were deeply inspired after watching the story of a young man who loses his memory and then finds it again through the deep connection of music and emotions.
     Definitely recommend this one.  
  2. Jeff Goins tweet: "Three things everyone needs: a job to do, a craft to master, and a cause to champion."
  3. Your Life Isn't a Disney Movie....this is a great article for helping women get a realistic look on men and the type of husband they are looking for.  Great for young single ladies to read!
  4. One of my all time favorite musicians/singer/songwriter turned 64 on December 7th!  Enjoy this throwback Rolling Stones article about Tom Waits!

    6. 29 Books to Get You Through Your Quarter-Life Crisis-luckily I've already read one of these!
    7.   Food Inc. - A great documentary about what you are feeding your body. Pairs great with, Animal,           Vegetable, Miracle.  
    9.  OU beat OSU!  ...and just in time for my graduation.
   10.  Christmas!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Book Review

I just finished one of the most educational books I have ever read; fortunately, it was for fun.  Animal, Vegetable, Miracle is a New York Time's Bestseller written by Barbara Kingsolver.  It is Kingsolver's account of her family's journey to eat only locally-grown food for an entire year.  Part research, part do-it-yourself, and part journal, this book is a faucet of information for anyone interested in living a more organic-friendly lifestyle.

Born in Kentucky in 1955, Kingsolver is a well recognized author who has won several awards such as the Bellwether Prize for Fiction and the National Humanities Medal.  She has published many successful books such as The Poisonwood Bible, Prodigal Summer, and The Lacuna.  She currently resides with her family on a farm in southern Appalachia.

 Animal, Vegetable, Miracle is a book with a very interesting layout.  Barbara Kingsolver tells the main story about her families struggles and triumphs that came with achieving their "year of local" nutrition goal.  Between witty narrative Kingsolver provides the reader with her personal research and insights on specific vegetables, food marketing tricks and rules to a farmer's lifestyle.

Her husband, Steven L. Hopp inserts short essays about the political and environmental education of eating local.  Hopp gives dozens of resources where interested readers can find out more information on the subject at hand.

Kingsolver's daughter, Camille also contributes to the book by including essays from a millennial's point of view on eating local and helping out on the family farm.  She also includes delightful recipes and sample menus for each vegetable in its' season.

The three points of view blend beautifully into one thick book of valuable information on everything from gardening to cheese making.  In fact, there were several times where I caught myself taking notes on all the information I was learning through this book.

I loved the fact that  Animal, Vegetable, Miracle covers everything a person can need to learn more about organic eating and shopping local for groceries.  From the practical day-to-day experiences of what a local diet looks like to the research that backs up and supports the families reasons for making this commitment, I learned how achievable a goal like this can be, even for a young adult such as myself.

When I was about half way through the book, I got the urge to watch the popular documentary, Food, Inc.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that everything I had been reading in  Animal, Vegetable, Miracle lined up perfectly with the research presented in Food, Inc.  This reassured me that the research was steady and the actions were compliable.  In fact, I recommend watching the documentary with the book if you read it.

Overall I feel that this book helped me achieve a new way of thinking about how I eat.  It isn't about being an environmentalist or cursing meat, and it's definitely not about slamming the government and living in a dirt house.   Animal, Vegetable, Miracle is about learning the process of food from the farm to your plate, and appreciating your meals for what they are rather than paying five bucks for a cardboard burger you scarf down and never stop to ask what it is or where it came from.

The better educated we are about our food, the better decisions we can make for our health.  Or as Kingsolver puts it, "Eaters must understand, how we eat determines how the world is used."  She is absolutely correct.  One of the most fascinating things I learned was that each and every one of us votes every time we purchase food.  We are either voting yes to local economy or yes to corporate control.  We are voting yes to more fast food restaurants or yes to more Mom and Pop's family-owned businesses.

Although Kingsolver was speaking of food when she explained this, I have learned to see it apply to every purchase I make.  Take Christmas for example.  I bought 90% of my gifts via Etsy, so I could support other artists like myself.  Every gift I bought came handmade from someone trying to make a living doing creative things.  By supporting these individuals I voted yes to personal businesses, no to mass produced good and yes to more art and independent artists.  What we spend our time and money on does make a stand for something.  Find out what you are voting for when you chose to swipe your card at your grocery store or favorite restaurant.  You just may be inspired to make a positive change in your lifestyle, which will make a positive change in your local economy, and ultimately leave a ripple of hope in the world.  

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Nefarious: Merchant of Souls

I was just looking through my drafts page and happened to find this post.  I remember being very passionate about this post when I wrote, but for some reason I never posted it.  This is from May 2012, but I am just now posting it.  I feel the issues are just as relevant today though.  

A week ago, three of my friends and I went to nearby college to watch the showing of new documentary called Nefarious: Merchant of Souls.  Nefarious is a documentary made by Benjamin Nolot to expose the dark secrets of the Sex Trafficking Industry.  Filmed in 2011 and released in 2012, Nefarious is a raw documentary that gives a first hand look of what happens when a society becomes controlled by lust.

The film takes viewers across three different continents as the director takes an in-depth view of trafficking in Europe, Thailand, Cambodia, the United States, and a few other places.  Each city has it's own story and it's own practices, but one thing is secured across the globe.  Sex trafficking is a devastating problem, and it is a much larger problem than most people realize.

Producer, Writer, and Director of the film, Bejamin Nolot, is also the founder and president of Exodus Cry ministries.  The ministry and the film partner together to help shed light on this well-kept secret.  Exodus Cry is an international anti-trafficking organization that aims at bringing hope and healing to the sex trafficking industry. Nolot is the proud father of two and husband to a woman named Lauren.  Together his family lives life in Kansas City, Missouri where they are constantly fighting the battle of modern-day slavery.

While I have only seen the first film, Nefarious: Merchant of Souls is part one of a three-film series shot all around the world.  The second and third films are still in production, but they are projected to be out soon.  In the mean-time, the first film is making its debut by touring around the United States and Canada showing free screenings of the movie.

You heard right, the film is not being shown in theatres, but by host cities and organizations that want to help spread the word about the bonds of sex trafficking.  If you are interested in hosting a free screen you can look at the Nefarious website by clicking here.  But first, check and see if there is a city near you hosting this event.  Better yet, if you want to help out immediately you can buy a copy of the DVD on May 1st and host a watch party with your own circle of friends.

After spending a whole semester researching Sex Trafficking, the disaster upon us was not something I was unaware of.  However, this film put the situation in a whole new light for me by visualizing my knowledge with the subject.  I feel strongly that every citizen should see this film, no matter how little or how much knowledge is obtained on the subject.  From hard facts to real emotion, this film captures every angle of the sex trafficking situation with an intriguing and gripping perspective.  For more information go to www.nefariousdocumentary.com.  

Article first published as <a href='http://blogcritics.org/video/article/movie-review-nefarious-merchant-of-souls/'>Movie Review <em> Nefarious: Merchant of Souls</em></a> on Blogcritics.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Twas the Night Before Graduation...

Well, here I am.  Enjoying another quite night alone with meditation, prayer and thought.  As I sit here contemplating what happens tomorrow I am astounded, amazed, and most importantly, humbled.  In just a few hours I will enter into a new demographic.  The box I check next to "education" will forever be changed.

I joked with my friends about this one night.  The two closest pals I have right now are a little over a year away from this milestone, so I informed them how different things would be after December 14th, 2013.  I told them I'd be of higher quality than them and conversations amongst us would be impossible.  My higher degree of education would undoubtedly separate us until they reach the same pinnacle.  I also told them of how they must change their respect and outlook on me as well.

Fortunately, they knew I was kidding, and fortunately, I know this won't happen.

Last night I had an awfully realistic dream that my entire family, including myself, forgot about graduation.  We were all joined together for the occasion, but somehow managed to completely forget the time and date of the ceremony..TWICE.  Don't ask how this happens twice..it was a dream.

All day today I had that sickening feeling that the dream was real and we were all going to somehow accidentally forget to show up to the ceremony tomorrow afternoon.  I think this stems, in part, from some real anxiety I have about the whole thing.  I mean, I haven't gotten any emails, messages or letters from the college.  Surely they'll send me more information on what to do, where to go, how to dress...a reminder even?

Nope.  The only reason I have any clue where this ceremony will take place is because when I payed my $40 for my cap and gown the bookstore lady handed me a single sheet of paper.  On the top eighth portion of that paper was a small paragraph giving the time, date and location of the ceremony for "Gaylord College."  That's it.

So, yes, part of me has no idea what to expect and that results in weird dreams about misplacing the whole event altogether.

More importantly, I have been sitting here reflecting on my time here at this university.  All but the first three months have been somewhat recorded on this blog, actually.  

Fall 2010
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
...some time off.
Fall 2013

That's really only 5 semesters.  How strange time is.  In the midst of it it seems to drag on forever, ceasing no end, and then when you least expect it...it's gone.

I think back on all my courses here; most within my major since I covered the basics at a junior college.

I remember my first taste of journalism.  JMC 2033.  That is still the toughest class I have ever had, and for that, it is my favorite.  I challenged myself to learn a completely different style of writing; one that included an AP Stylebook and relentless editing from a red pen.

I remember my first taste of feminism in my "Red Dirt Women" class.  I signed up because I thought I'd learn about Reba McEntire and The Pioneer Woman.  How wrong I was.  The class was about women's rights and being open-minded to liberal thinking.  Although I felt unfairly graded for my religious beliefs, I still passed, and learned a thing or two about the other half.

The most interesting observation on my reminiscence, is that I don't consider this a primarily educational journey.  I wouldn't sell the idea of college for educational purposes, although that has been obtained here and I can do and say and quote many things I wouldn't have been able to had I not pursued a secondary education.

However, I would highly recommend college to my younger counterparts for a different reason: a spiritual journey.  

My time here has been nothing less of that.  From jumping in full throttle to the largest Baptist Student Ministries program in the state, to breaking free of that and finding my own rhythm with the Spirit, I have learned to trust God with my major.  Countless hours spent worrying over what major would get me happiness were eased with peace when I finally let God take the wheel and remind me that he had a plan in everything.
I also learned to trust him with my extra-curricular activities, my family, my friends, and now my future career.

I remember having to deal with criticism from a spiritual superior...twice.  The first time I thought my world was crashing down.  I thought I was being punished for trying to do good.  Fortunately, I hit my knees and God showed me the strength he placed within me and told me to keep being an example for them in speech and in purity.

I remember when my main focus here was to find a rich husband.  You can bet God put an end to that real quick.  "Keep your eyes on me, child," he said.  "I'll take you to joy and contentment if you just trust me."

In fact, it was God who introduced me to my closest spiritual friend, and several others.  I can not count the number of Jesus stories I have listened to and spoken on this campus.  I am so grateful for those times.

It was God who lit a desire in my heart to start this blog, and take it to where it is now and even further.  It was the college classroom that gave me the tools to do this.

This semester has been an interesting spiritual journey as well.  I think the main theme has been letting go.  Letting go of control, and letting go of my plans.  
Letting go of sin and letting go of unnecessary worries.
Letting go of the temporary and holding on to the eternal.
Letting go of man's ways and turning to God's.

Yes, I am hours away from having a piece of paper that puts a lot of worth next to my name in many people's eyes, but I definitely do not have all the answers.  No, in fact, I think I have less answers than I thought I had when I began this journey.  I have learned to love and live and let live.  I have learned that my parents are pretty cool and that I can survive on my own.

I have the world before me, and Jesus by my side.  
No clue where I'm going
but for him I will ride.

To end my speech.... I would like to thank my professors for giving themselves, not just as instructors, but as people and friends and mentors.  I am grateful for my friends, in each season, giving their wisdom, home and encouragement.  I am so very thankful for my parents giving their whole-hearted support and instruction, and for my roommates for showing me unconventional ideas for breakfast and entertainment.  Special thanks to campus ministries for taking me in as your own and showing me my true calling.  But most importantly, thank you to the Lord, for being with me the entire time and making this whole experience worth while.  It has been nothing less than a spiritual journey.  God bless...and....BOOMER SOONER!

Artsy Friday: Ice Cream Painting

Wednesday's post introduced the idea of Etsy and my life as a painter.  Since then I decided I will dedicate Friday's to art and the pursue of all things artsy!

As promised, I will introduce each of my paintings to the blog world over the next few weeks.  Today I would like to make the grand introduction of my art class paintings with one of my favorites.

Ice Cream

The assignment was to paint our favorite food, and the rules were: no paint brushes, and no black paint.  Within a millisecond I knew what my favorite food was.  That delicious goodness that tastes like happiness and lasts about as long as a shooting-star.  

My mouth salivated as I reminisced on the sweet, sugary goodness of ice, cream and milk poured over a wonderful flavor and scooped out delicately into the container of your choice.  (Personally I prefer a cup, but that's no fun to imagine.)  
But what flavor will I do!?  I thought of all my favorites--strawberry shortcake, chocolate chip cookie dough, my Braum's favorite: a chocolate Reese's Mix with whipped cream.  Then their was my McDonald's favorite, the Rolo Mcflurry, and Sooner Rocks frozen yogurt..which got me thinking about Orange Leaf creations and Passion Berry..and well, now I'm getting off subject aren't I?
After much thought I decided on my two favorite BlueBell scoops: Red Velvet Cake and Birthday Cake; a double scoop, in a waffle cone.  And that's what I painted, without a brush or black paint.

The lack of a brush actually improved the painting I thought.  Using paint straight from the tubes and a palette knife for spreading, the ultimate effect of this piece is major texture.  I also had a lot of fun using the drip technique.  The idea is to water down the paint until it just drips all over the place.  There were several points during this process where I found myself standing in a pink puddle of watery paint!  It was pleasing though, because it was just like working with real ice cream.  
I paint-glued strips of newspaper into the background for an added stickiness effect.  You know when you're licking away on a cone and find yourself sticking to napkins, papers, coupons, etc. trying to find something to wipe your hands with.  Maybe that's just me because I'm messy, but kids do it too I swear!
After my professor and I determined the newspaper to be a good thing, I decided to create a 3-D effect and ball up tons of newspaper as even more texture to the ice cream itself.  This brought the treat forward and sent the cone back.
Speaking of the cone, it was outlined with masking tape, painted over and then the masking tape was removed to reveal a white outline.  My signature in the bottom right corner was created the same way. Criss-cross patterns and scratching were contributed to the texturing of the cone as well.  
The finished paintings were displayed at the University of Oklahoma Art College's Annual Chili-Day Fundraiser.  
To see my Etsy listing of this painting, follow this link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/172000177/ice-cream-painting-on-canvas-oil
For more information on buying, selling or anything else, comment below!  Thanks!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Etsy and Bloggers Unite: An Introduction

When I began this semester in August, I was determined to take just one art class for fun.  I had spent three college years doing the hard stuff like business classes and writing courses, all the while painting in my room at my apartment.  Fortunately, working at a coffee shop and reading "The Artist's Way" all summer, I really got inspired to go for it and take that random art class just because I wanted too.

 Because it was my last semester before graduation, my degree checklist only required me to take two courses: my capstone course and an upper-division elective.  This made my goal ridiculously easy to achieve.

So I enrolled in a beginning drawing class, because I knew drawing was a weakness of mine and this was the perfect opportunity to strengthen those skills.  I began drawing class with much frustration and excitement.
Drawing is so much harder for me than painting is.  Much to my surprise, I wouldn't be in that class much longer.

After only two weeks of drawing, I was informed by my advisor that I had already taken the exact same drawing class three years earlier at my local junior college.  She explained that I could stay in the class but would not receive any credit since it was considered a "repeat class."

So I buddied up to my professor and was graciously let into an Intermediate Painting class.  This was big news for me because realistically they aren't supposed to let you in an upper-division art class unless you've first had all the basic supporting classes (about 12 hours of credits.)  Being a PR major I obviously had not taken any of these classes.  In that aspect I was behind.  However, the painting professor looked at my website (haleyhooverpr.com) and was impressed enough with my work that he thought I would excel in an intermediate painting course.

As expected, I completed the course fine.  I learned a lot, struggled some and challenged myself definitely. Just being in the art college opened a whole new side of my brain (the right side) and introduced me to a lot of interesting people.  People who eat, breathe and sleep art.  The culture was so different from my college of origin.  Art people don't care what you think, and they openly admit their quirkiness.  That experience was worth everything to me.

 Over the 12-or-so weeks of class I painted 6 pieces, all of which pushed me out of my comfort zone on the painting spectrum.  From depicting a coming-of-age scene, to using hairbrushes and ping pong balls as instruments, these are definitely some of my more intriguing pieces.

Last week I uploaded 5 of these images to my Etsy store front, (https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheSparklingHippie) and figured up fair pricing considering the materials and time put into each one.  Descriptions are provided under each item entry, but I would also like to describe each one via blogging as well.

 (For those of you who don't know, Etsy is a website created for artists and craftspeople to help them sell their products online.  It was created in 2005 and has now expanded into vintage items and craft supplies.  It's basically free and anyone can join! In fact, I bought all of my Christmas gifts on Etsy this year.  It's a great way to support local initiatives and a person-to-person market instead of the corporate giants blasting through our television sets.) 

In other words, blog readers: I'd like to introduce you to my Etsty store The Sparkling Hippie.  And Etsy followers (few as there are), welcome to my blog, American Honey.

Over the next few weeks I will introduce each of my five paintings from class and drift into sharing other paintings with you all as well.  This is part of a long-term initiative to merge my writing and painting into a business I can live on financially.  Please feel free to comment, ask questions, connect with one another and learn more about the world around you.  I am open to suggestions and trying lots of new ideas so bring 'em on! :)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Degreeism & The Call to Love

Don't you love the part when you think you're past something, then find out you're not.  At the beginning of this semester I thought I was going in for a graduation check, but instead found out I needed another three hours to graduate.

Already a month into the semester, my chances of finding a 3 hr credit that fit my specific needs were slim.  I ran home and frantically searched the online database looking for some goofy class to satisfy my degree requirements.  Fortunately, God is good and he led me to an 8-week online course, Intro to Human Relations.  I'll take it!  

Although the class required minimal effort on my part, I still learned a few things.  I learned on my own that Rachel Carson is an awesome role-model (a woman with several degrees,) and I definitely want to read more about her. 

I also learned about the Little Rock 9 and Rosa Parks.  

My eyes were opened to the reality of homelessness and the stereotypes that do NOT match with that.  

The entire class was about social injustice and stereotyping.  From feminism to racism and beyond...we learned the error of judging and how that only separates us and causes unnecessary hate.

For our final discussion in the class, we were asked to describe a social problem that we would like to see changed and describe how we would go about fixing it.  After only a few seconds of thought, my passion blazed with something I had been wanting to write about for a long time.  My post generated so much discussion within our class that I decided to share it here:  


I have a social problem that has bothered me for quite some time now.  I would like to start off by saying that I am obviously not against college or degree programs (as I am in them and have them,) but I am against the value people put in others who have or do not have a degree.
I feel like there is a huge social stigma against people who do not have college degrees.  It is as if we instantly deem them "unworthy" or less in the eyes of degree holders and business corporations.  While a degree can be quite helpful and make one feel accomplished, I in no way think that this deems someone worthy.  A person's worth, ideas, intelligence and integrity does not depend on a million dollar investment in a piece of paper.
A little over a year ago I decided to take some indefinite time off from school.  All I knew was that I needed to be in southwest Oklahoma, waitressing, because that was what God said.  So I moved south with only one semester left in my Bachelor's degree program.  
My family accused me of being on drugs.
My friends from OU dropped me completely and still do not talk to me hardly.
The community I grew up in shunned me and said I was no longer an example to their children.
Professors which I had strong ties with quit replying to my emails.
What hurt me the most out of all this was that I couldn't understand why me being at school changed who I was to other people.  This drove me nuts because I as a person hadn't changed any.  I still read my Bible everyday, I still painted and laughed and watched the same movies.  I loved the same people and ate the same foods, but for some reason I wasn't good enough for anyone anymore.  It really hurt me to see the shallow side of so many people I loved and trusted.  I still cared about all of these people and tried to assure them of this, but they didn't seem to want to hear it.
My parents eventually came around and then some time later I decided to come back and finish my degree.
What's funny is that several other relationships were "miraculously healed" when I made this decision.  
I don't associate with these relations anymore.  I've seen the injustice in the truth.

To fix this problem I think you need a lot more than a campaign informing people that no college is okay for some people, but that would be a good start.  I met so many wonderful people without degrees while I was working.  I consider these people more loyal and closer friends than any friends I have made at college.  I hate people for looking down upon these service industry individuals.  They have more character in one sleeve than thousands of people with money, degrees and fancy jobs.  And as our book pointed out, who isn't one phone call away from being homeless?

I am now 5 days away from graduating.  People ask me if I am excited, and the answer is yes.  Yes, I am excited to be done with school and yes I feel a level of accomplishment for sticking it out and receiving my degree.

But on the other hand I have learned a lot about the value of this thing since my year off.  I have learned that a degree isn't the answer to all my problems.  It is not what gives me value.  A degree doesn't fuel my passion or give me integrity.

This piece of paper will not change who I will end up marrying.
While it may open many doors for me, it doesn't change where I have come from.

I know that I work just as hard without it as I do with it, and my past employers aren't going to treat me any differently because I now have one.  I proved myself by being me. A degree didn't get me that.

I know that when I mention the phrase "bachelor's degree" in reference to me, I am now gaining a whole new level of respect from others.  I will have more job opportunities and I will statistically receive a much higher salary than someone without it.  I will probably gain friends and rewards because of it.  But, thankfully I was reminded about what is important in life when I stepped out of this circle for a year.

I am beyond grateful that I can say I have a degree.  I am blessed beyond measure with parents who paid for and pushed me to finish my schooling.  I treasure the friends I have made at school.  I loved the experiences and had some really fun times.

Norman is a great town and OU is a fantastic, top-tiered university.  If I had to do it all over again I'd do it the exact same way.  Plus, I'd hate to be on the other side of bedlam this year.  Joking.  But seriously.

I'm not complaining, I'm not harboring any anger, and I'm not looking for apologies, sympathies or envies.  I'm just writing.

I write to clear my head and I write to use my voice.

Call it what you want, but "Degreeism," as I casually call it, is a social injustice, just like racism or feminism.
No I'm not going to start a campaign or riot.

I'm just sayin' is all...

I'm sure if you're black you don't like people treating you differently because of it.  If you're a female you probably would be angry if you were refused a position based on your sex.  Stay at home Mom's, do you like it when people think you don't have a "real job"?

My point is that we all must unite in love.  It's like this awesome meme my cousin shared on Facebook the other day.  It points out that we are really all the same on the inside.  We all have feelings, goals, hurts, desires, longings, beliefs, etc.

So let's drop all the titles and love as Jesus does!  You see, greater than our choice of belief, major, or religion, is the call to love.

Mark 12:31
"The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
There is no commandment greater than these.

Colossians 2:2
"My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love,
so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding,
in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ. 

John 13:34
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
 just as I have loved you,
 you also are to love one another."

Friday, December 6, 2013

Sisterchicks "Take Flight": Devotional Review

A few years ago I found a site called "Blogging for Books."  It is a Christian publishing company that sends bloggers books for free with the promise of receiving a book review in return.  I love this system and am excited to begin using it regularly again.  If you are a blogger you should definitely look into this site!

I have reviewed lots of books before, but never a devotional, so I decided to take a step out of my comfort zone and do just that.  "Take Flight" is the devotional I picked out and am now reviewing.

"Take Flight" is the first of a series of devotionals called "Sisterchicks Devotionals."  Robin Jones Gunn and Cindy Hannan are the authors, or "sisterchicks" of the book.  They describe a "Sisterchick" as "a friend who shares the deepest wonders of your heart, loves you like a sister, and provides a reality check when you are acting like a brat."

The devotionals in "Take Flight" are based around this idea of "Sisterchicks" and makes the series great for a woman-to-woman bible study or friend-to-friend devotional time.  

Robin Gunn is the author of the "Christy Miller Series" and co-author of "Praying for Your Future Husband" (sounds like another book I'd like to review.)  Gunn has written around 80 other books, making her a best-selling author of 4.5 million books sold worldwide.  She now resides in Hawaii with her husband when she is not traveling the globe speaking to the masses.  

Gunn's partner in crime, Cindy Hannan has been by her side for more than 10 years.  Hannan and her husband, Matt have been married 31 years and have successfully raised two children.  

In "Take Flight" Gunn and Hannan take turns sharing lessons on topics ranging from hospitality and friendship to worship and wisdom.  The book is divided into four sections and 3-4 chapters within each section.  Each chapter is laid out into two parts.  First is a short story "From Robin's Nest" then Hannan ties in biblical meaning and application to the story in the second part, "From Cindy's Perch."

The devotional is careful to leave room for the reader to journal her own thoughts, or "peeps" as Gunn and Hannan call it.

Overall the devotional is quite clever, charming and comical.  While I didn't feel especially challenged in my faith, I did catch a glimpse of what biblical sisterhood is all about and how this can and should be a part of my everyday living.  I do feel that I would have pulled more out of it and enjoyed it more had I shared it with my own "sisterchicks."  Perhaps now that I know what the series is all about, I can start my own circle of ladies to share this with.    I suggest the same to other ladies looking for some great fellowship.  

"I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review."

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What I Learned by Asking Advice

So you're at a point in your life and you don't know where to go next or which choice you should choose.  What do you do?

Proverbs 11:14
"Without good direction, people lose their way;
the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances."

A little over a month ago I had a quiet time regarding this verse.  After much thought I decided it would be a good idea to get advice for my future from my pocket of wise friends and family.  What I learned was some great "life" advice that applies to anyone entering a new season.  After much messaging, texting and breaking bread with these "elders" of my life, this is what I learned:

  • From a much older and wiser friend to a younger one-"Travel before a family comes along is the way to go, I'd say."  
  • From a wise and godly cousin- "Where your great joy meets the world's great need is where you should be." 
  • Find out what you want, what brings you true joy and ask yourself if you can get by
    (financially) doing just that...if yes, do it.
  • It's okay to make wrong choices.
  • It's okay if the world things you are crazy for following a dream.
  • Another wise old cousin- "You can make money doing what your passionate about.  It may not be easy or a lot of money, but it's possible."
  • Do whatever you want but keep in mind you have to be on your own insurance by age 26.
And my two favorite which I have heard most often and most repetitively from all sorts of faces:
  1. Do what you want to do.
  2. When you find it, you'll know it
Those two make me laugh because they are so simple and true, yet it's one of those things that happens when you aren't searching for it.  

I guess that leads to the advice I would give someone like myself:

Don't worry about it so much, God will work it out for you when he's ready. 

Easier said than done of course.  But that's where the Bible's steadfast truth comes in.  The following chapters are always comforting in times of uncertainty for me:

Philippians 4
Jeremiah 29
1 Peter 4
Psalm 3

And of course, if you're still stressed out, you can always put on some good ol' Otis Redding: 

That song always reminds me that it's okay to just chill sometimes.  

"I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watchin the tide roll away, ooh
I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time."

So smile, relax, have some fun and trust that everything is really a lot more okay than you think it is.  With the big man in charge it can't be too bad in the end, right?  And...don't forget to thank him instead of complaining!

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Beauty in Blooming

This picture came straight from my journal a couple days ago.  It was great quiet time with my favorite (and only) Creator.  I was spilling my heart out to God about being "happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time."  I told him my hopes and fears and how desparately I wanted to get this crucial time in my life right.  

I thanked him and blessed him for all the opportunities presented to me.  I told him how fortunate I was to be graduating, and to be so well supported by loving friends and family.  I thanked him for his grace and mercy and his never-ending promise to provide and plan for me.  :)

Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my all time favorite verses.  We read over this together and peace was restored to my soul.
"For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord,
'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future."

We should take such comfort in knowing that we don't have to have everything figured out and we definitely don't have to do anything but trust God to navigate us on our journey.

22 is scary.  It is a time of transition, and in between place.  We are arriving, but not there.  We are moving but not settled.  Happy but not content.

Hope Kronman puts it extremely well in her 22ish article in the Huffington Post.  

"This, I've realized, is because 22 is the age of in-betweens -- in between adolescence and adulthood, in between relationships, in between this job and that career -- and it's nearly impossible to know who you are when you are still "becoming."

I think the most important thing we can do is keep our focus on God and let him do the rest.  Matthew 22:37-38 says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment."

Also Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well."

That right there sums up what it's all about.  

I know it's tough.  I know you're striving and searching..but keep your eyes on my daughter, I have you in the palm of my hand, steady and stable.  Trust me to shape you and place you where I see best for us.  You are a beautiful bloom, but you aren't ready to blossom yet.  During this season you must trust me to take care of you and nurture you--feeding you all the sweet loves of healing and the Holy Spirit.  Don't force your bloom.  I have the water of life and I promise to care for you daily, letting you grow and become your best; and your best is more than enough for me.  I love you just as you are, with or without all the trimmings.  You are my child and I have created you for such a time as this...   --Jesus
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