Anyhow, so today I woke up full of patience, creativity and craving adventure. I prayed and listened to God for a good 45 minutes..just basking in his wonderfulness. I thanked him for his awesomeness and how he provides me with wonderful opportunities. I thanked him because I have never gone without food or shelter or water. He is my Jehovah-Jireh through and through.
This week particularly He has opened several new doors of opportunity for me, which gives me enthusiasm and excitement for my young life. I mean, I have so many years of living and loving left to do!
So this was my mindset, and then I paused and decided to check Facebook for baby photos from a close friend. As I scrolled down the page all I saw were weddings and babies. I suddenly felt lonely and empty. But then I stopped and caught myself.
Haley! How can you say that? You are graduating in December, you just spent two hours painting, before that you ran, sang, had an amazingly long and uninterrupted quiet time. Your life is perfect for you right now!
Satan makes it so easy for us to focus on what we don't have, rather than focusing on what we do and turning that into thanksgiving back to the Lord.
So I stopped and counted my blessings.
I also reminded myself how I have stuff that these married and baby people don't. I can travel. I can move easily. I can paint whenever I want. I only have one schedule to keep up with.
We always think the grass is greener on the other side...
I've heard it said that comparison is the root of all evil. That may very well be true. No one is better or better off than you, they are just different. Your story isn't supreme to someone else's, it's just different. And yes, everyone has an incredibly amazing story to tell. In fact, you're writing yours right now! What's it saying? What does it say about character and integrity? Does it reflect God in worship? Or is your story one of fear and insecurity? Is that how you want it to end? When does the climax take place, and why are you waiting around to write it?
I'm reading a book right now about a woman who was bored with her life, so she changed it. Just like that. Her story is about courage, living out old dreams, forgiveness and acceptance. She is learning to accept herself, and that she must do that to find content with her life.
As a single, Christian woman (or male I guess) you have so much room for growth. God has you in this place and time of your life for a reason. Allow him complete freedom to do with you what he wants. Remind him and yourself that that is what pre-marriage and family is for. It is for building the integrity of the person who will one day be helping that prince with his business and finances. You are shaping the type of woman who is going to raise wonderful godly children. Allow God to be God and work on you.
And don't forget, it's not about doing and achieving as much as it is about just being. Be. God is more concerned with who you are than what you do. This is very easy to forget, especially for me.
So get out there and enjoy these years, sister. They are beautiful!
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