- Lyrical Life Lessons...from Hello Giggles This is a post about the song "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons and how it applies to people in their 20's. Since I am of that age group I not only found this post creative and intriguing, but it also inspired me to write my own post about this song..hopefully soon. Great post though.
- This image from Pinterest:
- 19 Reasons Why Being Single is Pretty Awesome: Buzzfeed - You gotta love BuzzFeed! This is a hip and funny list of reasons to appreciate life as is. Again, it goes along with #2 and my post from earlier this week. I thought it was pretty true and funny!
- Seth Godin: On Owning It - Super short and too the point encouraging piece on making your dreams come true. Love it!
- Single and Not Waiting by Converge- A friend of mine sent me this post and the next one (#3 on the list) the day after I posted "Single Ladies! It's October 2013!" I thought she sent them to me as a follow up to my posts, but turns out she hadn't even seen mine! I took that as one of those God threads where he ties things together without us realizing it. :) Gotta love him. Anyhow this article has more great advice for single people and actually sounds like a rehash of mine, except maybe better. :)
- GirlTalk: A Woman to Follow- This one is really one of my favorites. I haven't read anything else quite like it yet, but it is a post about female mentorship and what to look for in a mentor. I really liked it because it pointed out that age, even spiritual age, has nothing to do with it. I especially liked the line about looking for someone with "love for family and church." That puts it into perspective for me. Thanks GirlTalk.
- Another Pin:
- Twenty-Two - I swear I'm not trying to be lame or overpromote myself, but you know the times when you go back and read an old prayer journal entry and it helps redirect your life and remind you what's important. Well that has happened to me lately with this post. I have reread it a dozen times lately, checking myself to see if I am getting what I want out of this year of my life.
- Following God and Farming: Storyline Blog- Exxcceellennt post on figuring out what to do vocationally with your life. Donald Miller always gets it.
- One Drop, a song by Plumb:
Hope you all enjoyed my list! Here's to making November another great month! :)
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