Monday, October 21, 2013

Lessons from "Honey"

So part of me doing what I do is that I always try to find a positive lesson in everything. Today I slowed down enough to rest and so I watched one of my all-time favorite movies, Honey.  The film was released in 2003 and so it is a bit older, but the message is what makes it timeless.

 Starring Jessica Alba, (another favorite of mine) Honey is about a young girl following her passion and using it to make the world a better place.  She is a dancer in a rough neighborhood who spends her freetime teaching kids how to dance.  She is also trying to make it in the music video world.

Throughout her journey Honey makes friends with some kids who need her mentoring, learns some hard lessons and runs into several pitfalls.  In the end her dreams come true and her small project helps a neighborhood full of youngsters.

I admire the character Honey in this movie because she is so passionate.  She loves to dance and so she does just that, despite what all the antagonists say to remind her that the odds are against her.  I admire her even more because she takes her passion and finds a way to use it to bring good into the world.  That's what life is about right there.  Live your passion and use it to help others, no matter the odds.  

There are 4 lessons we can take away from watching Honey.

  1. There will always be haters.  Honey had a big heart and a big dream, and that naturally attracts negative people.  She has several people remind her of how silly her dream is as the story unfolds.  She also is told to give it up and to do something realistic with her time.  Fortunately, Honey is a smart girl and she tries her hardest to only surround herself with really positive people, like her boyfriend and best friend, both of which encourage her constantly. I know it is a movie and no one is 100% encouraging all the time, but there are people who are more positive and uplifting than others.  You know what they say, eagles can't soar if they run with the chickens!  Be careful who you let in your inner circle.
  2. There will always be dead-ends and obstacles.  Once Honey lands her dream job of being a choreographer, she experiences creative block.  When she finds her dream dance study for kids, she runs into financial trouble.  When her boss disrespects her she has to find a different way to make money.  Her road was not easy and I'm sure it didn't come easier after the movie ended.  Dreams are never easy.  If they were they wouldn't be worth having.  It's the fight that makes them valuable.  Every dead-end and obstacle brought Honey a new challenge to face and a new appreciation for her worth and desire to succeed.  This brings me to my next point...
  3. There will always be hard work.  But it's worth it!  A lot of time, effort and dedication is how Honey found a way to bring her dream of helping others to life.  When she couldn't afford a building for kids, she used her time and talents to organize a fundraiser that would raise the money she needed.  She thought outside the box.  She didn't take no for an answer.  In life, and especially in the Christian walk, you will always have to find a way to what is right.  Remember, Satan wants you to fail!
  4. There will always be morality tests.  There is an underlying theme of choosing morality over what is quick and easy.  Every time Honey is tests in ethics she overcomes.  If her boss is going to be a scumbag, she can find a way to work without him, and it is this mindset that left her with no debts to anyone, and a clear conscious that is invaluable.  Two wrongs don't make a right.
I am in a time in my life where I am trying to refine my dreams and passions and decide what I want to focus on.  Honey is a great visual teacher of how hard work, good faith and a lot of hope can get you where you want to be.  Plus, if you have God on your side you are even better. 

That would be my fifth and not-in-the-movie point.  Make sure it lines up with God's will.  Our sermon today was all about this.  If you are working to make your own plans succeed yet haven't stopped to ask God if it is what he wants for you, then you are working against yourself.  With God  all things are possible, not without him.  Check yourself before your wreck yourself.  Pray tremendously and continuously.

Take a second in the near future and right down your dream.
Pray over it and ask God to break it or shape it.
Listen to his answer.

Oh, and, one last closing thought...I noticed for the first time tonight that "Honey" the character was 22 in this film.  Also, Jessica Alba was actually 22 when the film was made.  :) 

And I didn't realize "Honey" and "American Honey" were like..ya know..the sameish...till after I wrote this.  

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