The past few weeks of my life have seemed like a movie themselves. 2 weeks ago I had the most intense week of my LIFE. I went through what seemed like a roller coaster, I had extremely joyous moments, and then I had very painful crushing moments, back and forth all week long.
On Monday of that week i got into a major fight with my best friend for the first time ever.
Tuesday I found out I was flunking Spanish and I made an F on my first test, Wednesday I was
overwhelmed with joy by seeing some special friends of mine, who I
have prayed for for years, start to seek God with all their heart. Thursday I was informed I have to take yet another semester of Spanish when I thought this would be my last. I know that sounds dramatic, but it seriously broke my heart. :( Also Thursday I found out I won a prestigious award! Friday I got to have 2 really intense, God-inspired conversations with 2 people who are placed very heavily on my heart and in my prayers--that was DEFINITELY the high of the week!!
Throughout all the chaos and drama of that week, I really felt like I grew a huge leap closer to God. He taught me about patience, forgiveness, humility, and discernment. He taught me to rely on him more for inner-strength, and to trust him even when I have no idea what's going on in my life. I was amazed with how God worked through the craziness of the week.
Sunday after that I was exhausted but ready for the next week. Monday morning I got prayed up and prepared! However as last week went on, it seemed not quite as crazy as the week before, but still pretty intense. Praying about my living situation, getting extremely home sick like never before, learning things about myself I never knew, and lots more. I feel like God had a few major things he started to reveal to me last week. There were 2 or 3 themes that kept coming up at bible study, discipleship, and worship. Every time I talked with one of my spiritual leaders i felt God nudging me more and more into this openness of dealing with things. I haven't understood what he is doing yet, but I feel like this week and next week will be intense learning from God. Prayers
would be appreciated on this!
I guess the point of this is, that life can be crazy. No wait, life usually is crazy--almost like a movie at times. The only sane thing in our lives is what never changes, and that is Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8.) When it feels like your friends hate you, your parents don't understand, and boy don't pay attention to you..know this: God is ALWAYS there. Don't think of that as a cliche either. Know without a shadow of a doubt that
Guys the ONLY way I have gotten through the last two weeks is my dependence on God. If I wasn't a strong believer of God and what he can do I probably would have sunk into depression. God is the only thing that I can depend on, and that makes him the one thing I seek after with all my heart and soul. Do you know him like that?
Has your life been like a dramatic movie lately? Maybe a horror film? How did you handle it?
Could it have turned out better if you would have depended on God a little more?
How bout memorizing a verse to quote every time you need reassurance.
Psalms 73:23-26
"Yet I am always with you;
you hold me by my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward you will take me into glory.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever."
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