Friday, January 27, 2012

A One Woman Man

Well I don't want the whole world, no
The sun, the moon, and all their light
I just want to be the only girl you love all your life
       --The Band Perry 

This one is for the guys--single guys that is.  Here's a little something to think about as you roam around the earth, doing what guys do.

I want you to know that you already have a wife.  She's out there, waiting for you.  God predestined the two of you to be together before the dawn of time.  He designed her personality, charm, body, style, character, and heart to match yours.  She is your ezer, as it translates.  Ezer simply means helper, and encourager, someone who will stand right by your side through thick and thin.  That's right, she was made to help you specifically!

God is going to give you this awesome woman to be your life partner someday.  In fact, he has been preparing both of you for quite some time now, just waiting for the perfect moment to bless both of you with each other.  Now, I will be honest, I do not know who she is.  I do not know your future wife, nor what she believes or acts like.  But, if she is anything like the wonderful Christian women in my life, I would bet a large sum of money that she thinks about you pretty often.

With all the Christian dating books, rings, and movements going on, I think women are really starting to understand the importance of their future marriage.  Almost all of my solid girl friends keep husband journals, yes, that's what we call them.  In these journals young ladies spend hours upon hours, praying and writing to their future husband.  

Many of these same Christian women are also spending lots of time learning about guarding their heart, so they won't waste time getting hurt by a Bozo.  They may be reading books, talking to God, or asking for advice, but one way or another I am sure she is faithfully waiting for you; her guide, her partner, her leader.  

Thinking about this type of faithfulness makes you wonder, what does she expect from you in return?  I think The Band Perry nailed the desperate cry of every woman's soul in regards to marriage, when the leader singer says, "I just want to be the only girl you love all your life."

Yes, even before you know your wife, she wants your commitment.  I realize this may be a huge and scary thing to do, but don't you want to be that kind of a man for her?  Eric Ludy in "When God Writes Your Love Story" puts it this way:

"Give her your heart, mind, and body now!  It's easy to run around from one shallow relationship to the next, meeting your own selfish desires.  But it takes a real man, a real lover, to keep one woman satisfied for life.  I guarantee you, the rewards of such a decision are off-the-charts amazing.  And she'll love you like a man longs to be loved."

Stop and ask yourself a few questions.  Would your wife be happy with the way you live your day-to-day life?  Would she feel loved or hurt by the way you give other women what is promised to be hers?  How can you make a commitment to her now?  What can you be praying for her about?  

Do you have what it takes to be a one woman man for life?

1 comment:

  1. Great Post..I still believe that there may be still some out there..... only they won't ever meet their match yet...christian dating


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