"For some women, marriage is the ultimate life goal--once attained, what's to try for? When you stop trying to please your man, eventually, by degrees, you lose him; or at the least, you lose the intimacy that leads to influence. You become someone other than the person he married, and the two of you begin to drift apart."
I agree, and I'd take the first like a step farther. I would say most women think marriage is the ultimate goal, especially single women. For proof of this, look at what our brains feast on--
happily ever after...
You see the three dots at the end of that statement? That line always follows the wedding of the princess, and the three dots give us a signal that the rest doesn't matter. The important thing is that she won the guy and got a ring on her finger, after that who cares right?
As single women, we have got to get our heads out of the sky when it comes to fantasizing about marriage. It will be fun don't get me wrong, but it will be hard too. We have to prepare ourselves for a life-long journey of patience, trust, and forgiveness. This journey starts at salvation, and is taken to a new level with marriage.
How many people have you seen get saved at a camp or rededication service who get extremely emotional and excited about what God is doing, they make big promises and buy fancy Bibles, all in celebration of this new lifestyle they are choosing, only to fall off the face of the earth a few months later? Why did this happen? Because they were caught up in the fluff and not prepared for the real stuff. Life is tough sometimes.
King Solomon says we all go through different seasons of life. "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven...a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.." (Ecclesiastes 3) Godly wisdom tells us to expect all things, and Jesus was very straightforward when he told us the life of a Christian was full of persecution, trials, and tribulations. So why wouldn't you expect that? Why wouldn't you definitely expect that in a union of two sinful souls, namely a marriage?
So what can you start doing now to prepare for life? Maybe it's time to realize it's not all about you, it never was, and it never will be. Life is about God, plain and simple. This is the hardest thing a human can accept, but the most rewarding when he does. Don't let pride and fantasy get in your way, count the costs before you build your house (Luke 14:28.)
Marriage, much like salvation, is something we will always have to work towards. We are constantly trying to improve our relationships both with God and men, that is what our calling is (Matthew 22:37-40)! Philippians 2:12-13 tells us we must do this with our salvation: "Therefore, my dear friends, as yu ohave always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."
Work out your salvation.
You have to work at it. That's why without a daily quiet time Christians perish. That's why life without a community causes us to wilt. Those kind of actions are active, they are passive, and it's just like telling the devil he can roll over on us while we raise our white flags. That's cowardly and childish. Anything worth having is worth fighting for--daily. It's like Noah says in the movie The Notebook:
"So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day."
The same guy that uttered those words spent the last part of his life trying to win the heart of his wife--every single day. Despite her memory loss, Noah spent each day reminding Allie of the love they once shared and how much he wanted to take care of her and be with her forever and ever. That's what marriage is about, and that's the stubborn intensity we must approach it with.
2 Corinthians 2:11
"...in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes."
Wow! I was just thinking about this this morning. Dudes, surprisingly, think about this stuff too...I sometimes get so focused on the "finding someone and getting married" part that I find myself not even thinking/praying about life PAST that point. Granted, I'm not just sitting around waiting for marriage so that my "life can begin," but this morning I was thinking... what do I ultimately plan on "shooting for" or looking forward to after the wedding takes place? Will my commitment to God change? Will the crazy anticipation/expectation of what He has in store on a daily basis change? I certainly hope not.
ReplyDeleteAlso, dont know about you ladies, but I know I personally get trapped into thinking sometimes that with marriage I'm going to get a massive ease in sexual temptation and finally be relieved of the battle I've been fighting since puberty began haha. SO NOT TRUE! If you don't let God shape your sexual desires now into what He had originally planned for them to be... it's not going to be fixed magically in marriage. It hit me a while back that sex, even in marriage, could still be WRONG if you're doing it out of lustful/worldy sexual desire instead of out of love for your spouse. It can still be just as selfish and shallow as sex outside of marriage. Sex within marriage is not the "legal" version of sex outside of marriage...it is totally and completely different. Anyone disagree?
That's God's perfect timing!! I love it when he does that :) I am also glad to hear someone else is thinking ahead on these things too. You are right Stephen, women have that problem too and it is something we all need to work towards God to heal within us. Thank you so much for your wonderful insight again. Are you a writer by any chance?
DeleteHaha nope... just an engineer. Something about the posts on here pulls it out of me. It's kind of fun...not gonna lie.
Love this! It's so smart for singles to not have a distorted view of what marriage is all about. It's happy and it's good, but it's also reality. Problems and issues you struggle with don't magically dissappear because you have a ring on your finger. Having a good, lasting marriage that glorifies God required hard work and daily effort from both the wife and the husband!
ReplyDeleteSo true! Thanks for your input girly! I love your blog by the way..had to check it out after you commented :)
DeleteInteresting post, marriage is serious business that couple should think about seriously before proceeding.