Friday, February 3, 2012

When God Writes Your Love Story: Book Review

"When God Writes Your Love Story: The Ultimate Approach to Guy/Girl Relationships."
That title says it all.  Okay, so not quite, but it does accurately describe the essence of the book itself.  After being recommended this book hundreds of times, I finally had a chance to read and review one of Eric and Leslie Ludy's most popular books.

Originally published in 2004, the book is a flavorful mixture of the Ludy's love story, God's word to singles, and how to prepare for a marriage that stands on the truths of the Bible.  Eric and Leslie Ludy have written over eighteen books and spoken to millions of people around the world.  "When God Writes Your Love Story" is one of the best-selling Christian books of all times.

Eric is the president and pastor of Ellerslie Training, a discipleship school in Colorado for young leaders.  Leslie directs Set Apart Girl, an international ministry that helps teach girls about living pure, Christ-centered lives.  The two of them live with their four children in Widsor, Colorado.

I really enjoyed every aspect of the book.  Some comic relief makes the book fun and entertaining, while the casual tone gives the book flow and readability for almost any age, (yes, I recommend this book for young teenagers to late adults!)

The book is laid out in five sections: desiring, preparing, waiting, sweetening, and discovering a God-written love story.  Through out these five sections readers learn a treasure chest full of wisdom, knowledge, and practical applications for letting God write your love story.  Personally, chapter fourteen was my favorite.  It delt with the role parents and accountability partners play in a dating relationship.  There was also an amazing chapter on healing and forgiving the ones closest to you--your family.  The truths found throughout these chapters are applicable to people of all walks.

While the book is not founded on highly-scholastic research or great theological doctorate degrees, the simple truths are foundational to a Christian marriage.  Some may be tempted to find the lack of scholar a negative aspect, but I completely disagree.  The child-like faith and simplistic truths drive right to the heart of the matter, leaving no room for unwavering faith.

I recommend this book to any young single person searching for answers as God leads them through the season of singleness.  To order the book on Amazon click here, or to find out more about Eric and Leslie Ludy, check out their website at


  1. No joke, I was searching through Amazon today wondering what type of books that they had for young single christian ladies and how to enjoy their singlehood. I was actually going to text you and ask you if this was a good book! I'm glad I came and read your review!!

    Love you, Squeezy!

  2. lol that is so awesome!! God is good! :)

  3. Yeah right!!! God is so good.He created us...christian women


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