Friday, June 3, 2011

Understanding God's Grace

During my quiet time with God earlier, I decided to study Proverbs 31 again, which is the chapter often labeled "Characteristics of a Nobel Wife." This chapter contains 31 verses of what a godly wife should look like. As I am reading however, I was reminded that the key to becoming this wife of noble character, is not to copy everything she does by buying a farm and learning to sew. Rather, it comes from knowing and understanding God more as a woman.

The woman in Proverbs 31 is a hard worker, she is a provider and nourisher for her family, she gives to the poor, fears the Lord, is wise, and is always joyful with no worries. Now if we try to be this woman in our own strength, we all know we will fail miserably simply because it is not natural to be that pleasant all the time.

However, if we depend on God to help us get there, we will most definitely succeed. You see this woman is generous to the poor because she understands God's grace in her own life. She knows that she is but a sinful woman whom God undeserving casted grace on in order that she may fall deeper in love with him. She is a provider and nourisher for her family not because her family is perfect and there are no arguments or disagreements, but because she understands the love of Christ and what he did for her--therefore she extends that love to the people around her.

And my favorite part...this woman is not constantly joyful due to Prozac pills or the mastering of "faking it." I believe that this woman could "Laugh at the days to come" (verse 25,) because she understands God's sovereignty and therefore she has casted all of her worries and struggles on him. (1 Peter 5:7, Matthew 6:34)

When we understand that God is sovereign, meaning he has everything under control and he has a wonderful plan laid out for each of us, despite what we think, want, or worry about--then we can come into a life with a beautiful spirit. When we stop trying to control and change and plan every detail about our friends, family, and future, then we can rest and find peace and joy in the one who already has it under control.

When we understand that we are sinful creatures who are destined a life in hell, yet amazingly forgiven by a God who owes us NOTHING--then we can extend grace and love to those around us.
When we understand that GOD HIMSELF came down from heaven in order to live a perfect life and suffer a horrifying death, SO THAT WE MIGHT LIVE--then we understand mercy and grace and servanthood. Mark 10:45 says for even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. If the king of kings is humble enough to serve lowly human beings like us, why would we think we were above serving people on the same level as us, like our friends and family?

To sum it up, the truth of everything is found in the holy Bible. If you want to have better relationships, seek God. If you want to be a wife of noble character, seek God. God has displayed his love for us in this: Christ died for us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8.) The story of this amazing love and grace is found in the Word of God. Get in it and be transformed (Romans 12:2.)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post!!!
    Yes, you're's not Prozac. This Proverb 31 girl has something bigger and more effective than that!


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