Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What Are You Waiting For? (Book Review)

Sexting, pornography, and purity rings; do you ever feel overwhelmed by our overly-sexual culture?  Many teen girls are asking questions about sex, and Dannah Gresh has done the homework and recorded the answers in her latest book, What are you waiting for?

Written in 2011, this book is very modern and up to date on the latest sexual trends, misconceptions, and ideologies.  Gresh combats these ideas against the word of God for a truly refreshing and biblical view on sex.  Also the author of best-selling book, Lies Young Women Believe, and The Bride Wore White, Gresh has scrutinized the topic of sex and relationships relating to young women in the Christian community.  She is also the co-founder of Pure Freedom, a non-profit organization that helps equip men and women to live in purity.

A distinctive quality of What are you waiting for, is the strikingly transparent and straightforward attitude Gresh uses.  This type of approach is extremely appreciated in a religious community that never tends to hit the nail on the head when it comes to sex.  Gresh has accurately backed up all of her claims with both scripture reference and scientific research, something that is required for Christian authors to succeed in today’s world.

Although my personality clashes with the personality speaking in the book, I still found the book quite enjoyable and easy to read.  Some of the sentences could have used a few more edits, which led to awkwardly worded phrases, but considering the books message and reading level, I will discount these imperfections.

I would highly recommend this book for any young woman between the ages of 12 and 23.  New believers with relationship questions might find this helpful as well.  The book covers all of the basics, as well as presents new and thought provoking truths to stand upon.  Though it might be a lower-budget book, the message is definitely worth the time of the reader.  

(Disclaimer: “I received this book for free from 


  1. This sounds like an interesting book. Great review!

    Hugs and have a Happy New Year!!! :O)

  2. Thanks for the review and giving a good target audience guide too. sometimes it can be difficult to know with relationship advise whether it is really aimed at you, and if it isn't it can be very unhelpful! thanks.

  3. No problem! Thank you both for reading! :) I have another review coming next week!


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