Take Me Into the Beautiful-Cloverton (lyrics at bottom)
I've heard this song on the radio a thousand times and I've always claimed that I loved it, and it is indeed a great song. The last few days God has been really working in my heart showing me things here and there that I need to work on. As he's been leading me through a healing transformation process, this song has been playing in the back of my head over and over. Usually that means something, especially because I couldn't even sing the words (I only knew the beat and "la la la la something about Beautiful.") I also hadn't heard the song in a week or so, so I knew it had to be of God.
This morning I sat down and listened to the song while reading the lyrics. Wow, so powerful. It really captures the essence of a woman, and how she was made in the image of God, his softer side. Many of you have read the book Captivating by Stasi and John Elderedge. If you haven't read it, you really should. The book's subtitle is "Unveiling the mystery of a woman's soul," which is exactly what God has been showing me lately. Yes, I've read the book 5 times through, I found my identity in Christ largely because of it. But God showed me something altogether new this time. It started in my daily life and led me back to this old book of mine. How important this lesson was.
Around chapter 4, the book explains that each and every one of us have been wounded, hurt, and broken throughout our lives. This wound usually takes place at a very young age, as we grow up this wound becomes the biggest lie of our lives. We walk by the definition of this lie instilled in us as young girls. Now, I won't go into great detail about where the wound comes from or how it effects us, because that is precisely what the book is for. Rather, today I am going to emphasize the importance of letting Jesus heal our wounds.
A woman healed is vulnerable. I do not mean this in a sexual way, nor do I mean to contradict everything I've said about guarding your heart. When I say vulnerable, I am speaking of a softness that comes from a woman who has been healed, sanctified, and cherished by her loving father and creator. Look at the first verse of the song we just heard:
Take me into the beautiful, won't You take me back again
With a love unexplainable, come fill up this dry land
Let it open our eyes to see a world we've never seen
Let it open our hearts up to feel You inside of us
You're here inside of me.
With a love unexplainable, come fill up this dry land
Let it open our eyes to see a world we've never seen
Let it open our hearts up to feel You inside of us
You're here inside of me.
This beauty, this vulnerability, love, and mercy comes from God. When we are set free in his love, we are set free to love others with an open and unrestricted heart. Do you love like this? Is your beauty flowing out to those who most need love? Do you show people the mercy of God through your actions and words? Perhaps you need to heal a deep wound.
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