Monday, February 3, 2014

Just Flow

"Everything has a natural place. Stuff naturally falls into place under the laws of the universe and the hand of God, we just have to relax and let them fall into place.  Much like painting or styling hair, we can't force things to go where they don't belong.  Or pottery, for example, have you ever tried to force clay where it doesn't want to go?  It's natural form holds some truth to it, regardless.

In the same way, God created you for a specific purpose.  You are to reach a certain people group that no one else can, and your story is to be unique from everyone else's.  

So why do we worry so much about fitting in or not fitting in?  Why are we in constant fear of being judged?  
I've come to find out that you will be judged regardless of the path you choose."  

I come back to this blog post tonight because I have been struck by the thought of this idea once again.  As I lay on my couch reading about an advertising method that doesn't challenge the competition by fighting harder and being more competitive, I am reminded of the simple beauty of being.

Work smarter not harder.

Martha and Mary illustrated the idea for us in the ancient times of Jesus.  Martha worked her rear-end off preparing for a big event.  She cooked, she cleaned, she picked up and threw out.  She minded all the details and fretted over each item that might explode into an unwanted catastrophe.  She had it all together because she was aiming at being THE BEST event holder.

What happened next totally threw off the plot.

Jesus.  The game changer.

He always did the unexpected and said the opposite of what you pegged him to say.  He did this in a simple and sophisticated way that got people's attention.  Much like what Mac does with computers, Jesus did with life.

You see, while Windows and the world are fighting for our attention, promising the unpromisable and clawing their way into our brains, Mac and Jesus are laid back, being the awesome selves that they are.  With M & J there is no striving.  There is no competing and putting opponents down.  It is all about the peace and freedom that comes with being.

And so, Jesus told Martha to take a chill pill and congratulated Mary on being...Mary.  She was comfortable in her skin; relaxed and carefree.  Mary didn't go out of her way to change her behavior, clothes, house, and display.  In fact, she probably walked up to Jesus on the street casually and started up a conversation about where old sandals ended up after deterioration.  

I'd call that integrity.

I'd also call it captivating.  

If you've known me for any period of time, you probably know that my favorite life-changing book is Captivating, by Stasi Elderedge.  Women of all ages need to read this book.  It simply says, hey sweetheart, you're beautiful just the way God made you, and when you accept that and quit trying to be perfect, flawless and bulletproof, the world will take you in as a rose that has blossomed.

The thing about beauty that grabs your attention is that it isn't trying.  It isn't starving itself or pushing others out of the way or faking its way to the top.  Beauty is beauty because it is.  God is God because he is.

"I am who I am."

With Jesus it was that simple.  And he was!

He is.

The most successful marketing campaigns are the ones that just are.  They aren't the multi-million dollar, one-uppers--they are the ones who have found rest in being themselves.  Avis, we are #2...we try harder.

At times you may be tempted in your own life to force something into existence.

Recently I desperately wanted to move out beyond the six walls of Oklahoma.  I love this country but I so desired to see another state.  I wanted to be adventurous and carefree and brave!

Every day for three months, I woke up and tried to force a post-college decision for my life.  And every afternoon I would change my mind, knowing that deep down it didn't feel right.

My delightful friends told me I was a planner and organizer, trying to live a carefree, unpenciled life.  "It's just not you," they explained to me one day.  I was amused when I stepped back and looked at myself.

Yes I am bold and adventurous, but moving around to strange places by myself with no agenda was definitely not going to help me feel purposeful and accomplished in my life.  I still admire and covet the souls who can do this, but as for me it's just not there.

I was offered a position in my hometown.

No.  It's too predictable.  I don't want to go back yet, I had arranged that for later on in my life, not now. I need to go be free and do some random things first.

So I turned the job down.

Then I did nothing for a month...except grow restless and crave duty.

They called again...

I had a cry fest in private with Jesus and told him I would not do it.

Then I stopped, listened and shut-up.

Peace fell over me and God assured me that this was where my heart belonged deep down.  

I knew at that moment that home was where I needed to be.  It's where I always wanted to be, it just wasn't how I had planned it.  I was trying to force an escape route to be someone else rather than comfortable excelling in my own purpose.  I realized that God already knew his plans, and he designed me to fulfill them in a very specific way.  Fighting that way wasn't getting anyone anywhere.  It was surrender to the obvious that brought me to God's will.  

We can't force clay to be something it doesn't want to be.  Life is being, and being is freeing.

 Just flow..and you will.

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