Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Worst PR Response EVER

As a Public Relations major, I often find the PR side of life in all sorts of random things.  Today I was listening to some good ol' Dixie Chicks music when I stumbled upon the song that ended their career.  I almost forgot about the controversy this three and a half minute sucker stirred up, but after listening to the lyrics I quickly remembered.

Before the song was released, the lead singer Natalie had made some negative comments about our then president, George Bush.  This was where the crisis began to sink in.  Many people boycotted the Chicks's music, and quickly defended their fearless leader Bush.  While some even agreed with Natalie, they still did not sense it appropriate to bash the president on national television.

A few months later the Dixie Chicks performed "Not Ready to Make Nice" live at the 2007 Grammy's.  In my opinion, this was the worst PR move ever.  I have no idea if the Chicks' had a PR person at this time, but if so, I would hope this practitioner immediately got fired.  

The message of the song is prideful and arrogant.  Natalie makes it very clear that she does not care what the nation thinks, she still doesn't like the president, and she is not going to take back a thing she said.  This is the worst tactic for a crisis situation.  As time and PR tells, the move definitely ended her multi-million dollar career, and her world-known success.

Anybody heard their latest song?  Exactly.


  1. Check out the Wikipedia info on them:


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